Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rick Perry ... Bad for Women?

Going through the lists of blogs I read one that just really caught my eye, Mean Rachel: What a Rick Perry President would look like for women. This editorial is not poorly written, but i just feel as if she's just against Rick Perry in general and is just trying to find anything that would make him look like a bad guy. The editorial is very bias. It's as if she got angry at him one day and decided to write a hatred letter that was never really suppose to be publicly read. Rachel, the author, only focuses on all of Perry's "wrongs" as she sees them because technically they could be a good in someone else's eyes. Rachel's primary intended audience is definitely women. She talks about how Perry is so old school that she even placed him in the category she has the cassette player and an AOL subscription, and how Perry feels that taking care of children is a women's job. In my point of view however there is a controversy on birth control and abortions even within women. I would say that on both topics it is 50 50. Some women are strongly against abortions and would say that Perry's proposals are brilliant and will help the life of women, as for Rachel on the other hand and the women that are for pro choice think differently and fear for Perry to win Presidency someday. They feel as if Perry's proposals to make women that are 8 to 10 weeks pregnant and seek abortion to have to mandatory transvaginal sonograms is just awful and wrong.   Perry also highly emphasizes that we need to practice abstinence and is planning to roll back on health insurances that cover birth control.
I don't necessarily agree with Rachel, but I don't disagree either. I just feel though her credibility through the whole article could go either way, and nothing she said made me feel as though Perry was old school or a bad representative for women. Her argument is very vague and open for very many different interpretations. There will always be people both women and men on either side of her topics such as birth control and abortions. Religion also plays a major factor in some of her arguments because many people are against both topics because it goes against their religion. I have my own opinions on Perry, but nothing in this blog editorial made me think that Perry was wrong for women. Whether he is a wrong for people in general is a different story but that I'll keep to myself for now.

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