Thursday, November 10, 2011


I understand why the Mayor wants to discontinue the use of the plastic bags because they are non-biodegrateable, pollute, and fills up landfills as my colleague has mentioned in Texas Government Blogging. I also understand why my colleague feels that we should continue to use the plastic bags because they are inexpensive for lower income households, are used for several different purposes around the household or crafts, and because retail stores already have contracts with companies for the plastic bags.
However, I agree and disagree with both oppositions. I agree with the Mayor that we must put a stop to the usage of plastic bags because they are only costing the city money, that could be used for other purposes, but I disagree in the way that he wants to dramatically put a stop to it all at once. That's where I agree with my colleague because doing so will impact a lot of people and could cause an economic hardship, so I feel that the better solution would be to make the retail stores continue using plastic bags in the mean time until they finish their contracts. That gives us time to slowly stop the usage and educate the people on why they are bad for our city.
This topic as though it may not seem like a big or significant issue for the city to worry about, I feel like if not handled properly it could lead to more severe problems as the one's mentioned by my colleague. My colleague did an awesome job in how he presented his information and on why he disagreed with the Mayor. Great job!

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