Saturday, December 10, 2011

Same Pay More Work

I definitely agree with everything my colleague had to say about the four billiond dollar shortage the Texas district schools had to go through. The Texas legislature should be worring on how to improve education instead of making it worse. Classes should be getting smaller to help individual learning instead they had to unemploy many teachers making classes larger, which only makes it harder on those students that really need that one on one help. It is also unfair for lower income families that have to provide more money for their kids on supplies that they previously didn't have to buy, but now since the school cant afford to continue buying them the parents have to.
The whole process is unfair and everyone suffers from it. Parents because they are having to spend more, yet they have the same job with the same pay. Teachers because they are being unemployed, and the ones remaining have to deal with an increase in class size which makes it harder. Students because they aren't learning as they should. Even the janitors or faculty workers in the schools suffer because their work load just doubled, but their pay has stayed exactly the same.
The Texas legislator needs to reconsider and find a better solution for all the caouse they've made.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dream Activists

Texas is known to have an immigration problem because it is right next to the border. Many families come here to educate their children where they feel they will have more opportunities. It becomes a hard task to be successful in life if you can't get the career of your choice regardless of how hard they excell in their studies because they aren't legal to work.
I find it outstandingly funny in a bad way how something really drastic always has to happen in our society in order for people to actually pay attention to problems or issues going on in our local government, and take action to make a change.
That's exactly what had to happen in the case of Joaquin Luna, an illegal immigrant student from Mission who committed suicide for a reason we have yet to fully understand, but assume has to do with the rough time he was having in finding employment. Activists in Texas that are known as the Dreamers are using Joaquin's suicide to make a bold statement in their campaings and rally's, stating that they are Joaquin.

The Dream Act that was initially introduced in 2001 benefitting illegal immigrants who had graduated from highschool, and had earned some college credits or served in the military. The Dream Act would allow those students to apply to recieve a legal residency status that way they would be able to use their skills in a career of their choice.
Joaquin Luna's case is perfect for their campaign's because it delivers their message loud and clear. These students should be allowed to persue the Dream Act because these students are studying just as hard as anybody else in University of Texas, and it is unfair for them to be rejected of job opportunities just because of their legal status. It is unfair for them to work hard and feel like it has all been for nothing at the end of the day. I think things should start changing for students. Specially those who work hard.